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Ventury Type Wet Scrubber


Ventury Type Wet Scrubber

Venturi Type Wet Scrubbers are air pollution control devices designed to remove particulates, dust, and pollutants from industrial exhaust gases. 

The scrubber’s principle revolves around using a combination of water and a Venturi throat to capture and neutralize airborne contaminants effectively.


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In the pursuit of cleaner and healthier environments, effective air pollution control technologies play a vital role. Venturi Type Wet Scrubbers have emerged as an efficient solution for the removal of particulate matter and harmful pollutants from industrial gas streams. These scrubbers offer a reliable and environmentally friendly approach to control air pollution. In this article, we will explore the workings, benefits, applications, and innovations of Venturi Type Wet Scrubbers in creating cleaner air for a sustainable future.

Ventury Type Wet Scrubber Features :

Venturi Type Wet Scrubbers offer numerous advantages as an air pollution control technology:
  • High Efficiency
  • Versatility
  • Reduced Emissions
  • Low Maintenance
  • Ventury Type Wet Scrubber Application :

    Venturi Type Wet Scrubbers find diverse applications across numerous industries:
  • Power Plants
  • Metallurgical Processes
  • Chemical Manufacturing
  • Waste Incineration
  • Working Principle :

    The operation of Venturi Type Wet Scrubbers involves several key stages:

    Step 1 : Gas Entry: The contaminated gas stream enters the Venturi Type Wet Scrubber through an inlet.

    Step 2 : Venturi Throat: In the throat section of the scrubber, the gas stream is accelerated, creating a low-pressure zone. This, in turn, induces water droplets to be injected into the gas stream.

    Step 3 : Water Droplet Collision: As the gas stream and water droplets collide, they create a turbulent mixture. The water droplets entrain and capture the particulates and pollutants from the gas.

    Step 4 : Particle Separation: The contaminated water droplets, now laden with pollutants, move to the scrubber’s bottom section, where they are separated from the gas stream.

    Step 5 : Water Treatment: The collected pollutants are typically removed from the scrubber’s water through appropriate treatment before being discharged or recycled.

    Step 6 : Clean Air Discharge: After the pollutants are removed, the gas exits the scrubber through an outlet as clean and purified air.


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